We are using a NEW BLOG for 2012. Check it out at LIVINLIFETHEMAYLINWAY.BLOGSPOT.COM

I am playing catch up with this blog and am just adding random things I missed so that I can print it and have it as a "journal" if you will. So don't mind all the random old posts here, but check out the other for all the new stuff!

Lovin Life!!!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Maternity tickers

Sunday, June 19, 2011

1st Father's Day as a Father

Happy Father's Day to Matt.
Dear Matt 
I always knew that you would be the best dad ever! Even as we were dating, I saw how you loved to spend time with your nieces and nephews. They all love you so much and I loved how they'd run to greet you cause their so excited to see you!

While I was pregnant you took such great care of me! It was just yet another thing that showed me that you would be the best dad ever...and now you are! And I love you for it!
(I wanted him to have a lil something for his office at work. So I thought this would look perfect up on his wal)

I'm so glad that I've got you to be there for my kids. I can just see it now, the daddy daughter dates, the father son camp-outs. Thanks for being the perfect man for me and for our children! Love you tons!

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