We are using a NEW BLOG for 2012. Check it out at LIVINLIFETHEMAYLINWAY.BLOGSPOT.COM

I am playing catch up with this blog and am just adding random things I missed so that I can print it and have it as a "journal" if you will. So don't mind all the random old posts here, but check out the other for all the new stuff!

Lovin Life!!!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Maternity tickers

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Holi Festival of Colors

Before Pictures

After Pictures :)

Now for the story! Every year at the Buddhist Krishna Temple, in Spanish Fork, they have this thing called the Holi Festival of Colors!!!! It's a celebration of diversity, spring, and love! I've always wanted to go. So this year we did! Thousands of people come to participate in the festival as you can see from the picture! Everyone is just there to have fun and spread love! It's awesome! When we first got there we walked over to where the band was playing and just started dancing and this lady and her little boy came up and started sprinkling colors all over us! :) It must be the only place where it is acceptable for strangers to come up and just throw stuff on you :) Within a couple of minutes we were covered from head to toe in colors! Hence.... the festival of colors! :)
That's me crowd surfing, YAY!!!
Here are a few colorful family photos!

Marjie and Steve came with us and I was so happy! I never get enough time to spend with my closest friends but it was so nice to have one of my very best friends with me to celebrate love and friendship!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Kyle's Concert with his Band!

So Kyle had his first band concert at Do Drop Inn (Bar) yesterday on St. Patrick's Day. It was sweet! They did a really good job and Kyle did an amazing job as the singer! I'm so proud of him. Not only does he sing for the band but he is also the lyricist. His songs are really great and have a lot of heart and meaning behind them. I wish I could borrow some of the lyrics and post them, he is very talented!
So I fulfilled our family tradition/inside joke by yelling "that's my brother" during the first song. Well one of the other guys came to support his tattoo artist, who I think is the guitarist. So after I yelled that, the guy behind yells "That's my tattoo artist!!!" :) ha ha. I thought it was hilarious!
There was quite a crowd and everyone was really getting into it! Mini mosh pits at times and everything!
These two were just meant to be brothers!!!! Enough said! Here is me and my cool bro Kyle! I'm so proud of him, I already said that, but I get to say it twice!!!
Justin, Chancy, and Brian (just being... themselves)
Jon is always such a happy guy!!! It's contagious! I love it! This picture just makes you smile!!! 4 people you would never expect to see at a bar!!! Yet, here they are! :) When we were talking about it later, Grandpa was like I like "I don't remember being there." So we told him that we all went to the bar to support Kyle and his band. And he goes "Did I get drunk?" :) ha ha ha!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Brian Reagan & Good Company

Today was a great day!!! We got to spend time with Joe and Heidi when we finally went to the highly anticipated Brian Reagan concert! Brian Reagan has been my favorite comedian for about 7 years now and I finally got to see him in concert!!! I definitely got my stomach workout for the day! Holy cow. I hurt when I left! Of course it's impossible to write one of his jokes and have it be just as funny so I won't even try!
His actions are hilarious and his facial expressions are too! He is the most talented comedian because he can take simple things from every day life and turn them into something hilarious! And he is clean! Like I said MY FAVORITE!!!! Then we got to see our good friends Tami and Jason! They had twins not too long ago and it was great to meet them! Savannah and Alexander. Adorable huh?
Lovely ladies!
Handsome gentlemen!
What a great day! When you spend you're day in good company then I tend to fall asleep just really happy and content! I love that feeling!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Check out this sunset!

Just wanted to post these to show my love and possible obsession with taking pictures of sunsets! :) But Wow! Just blessed to see sunsets like this so often! I'll never get used to it. It's always breathtaking!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Sleep over with the nephews :)

We've been talking about having a sleep over with our young nephews (all 5 and younger) for a while now and have been excited about doing it, so we planned the date and the kids were so excited! Then Matt and I started talking and we realized, we have NO idea what to do for a whole evening, night and morning with these kids. We have absolutely no toys and no experience entertaining children. So what was excitement, at first, for the whole experience turned quickly into anxiety. We didn't want this to be "cool Uncle Matt and Aunt Shauna's" "cool" suicide. So we had to think fast...

So we put our brainpower together and this is what we came up with....
  • a dance off to Crazy frog, we called it the "silly song"
  • mac and cheese for dinner
  • playing our cosmic catch game, (we adapted it a little and had everyone just sit in a circle and hit the ball when it said their color)
  • story time in the fort
  • building a fort and watching Jimmy Neutron in the fort, with popcorn of course!
Everything was a big hit! The kids kept saying "lets listen to that silly song again", they ate all that mac and cheese up like it was gourmet and we had a ton of fun playing the games, building the fort, and watching the movie!

What we didn't plan on was 2 bloody lips and 1 bloody nose; Corbin slipped on our kitchen floor in his slippery pj's and busted his lip open and Gabe ran into the back of Carson's head and got a bloody nose and a bloody lip. Then Carson says, very seriously: "Maybe we should stop rough housing now!" Ha ha ha!!! What wise advice from a 4 year old :) Corbin and Gabe were fine after a couple minutes!

We also had story time in the fort and we turned out all the lights and the kids took turns holding the flashlight and telling stories. One of the stories was "one time we had a sleep over, and built a cool fort, and told stories in it." :) I love that story!!! We also had an adorable snoring contest that lasted at least 30 minutes before going to bed :)
Here they are, our cute slumber party nephews... (from left to right) Corbin, Levi, Gabe, Carson

Dance off.... Matt totally got into this one!!!

We taught Corbin how to do the sprinkler...check him out, it looks pretty good :)
After we took pictures of the kids, Gabe wanted to take some pictures as well. He did a dang good job for a 4 year old!!!
We don't have a picture of our fort but it covered the whole living room and entertainment center so that we could watch the movie inside of it. :)

I think we were able to pull off the continuation of our "cool" status... :) Thank heavens!!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Grizzlies Game

Chels called us one night and said that they had tickets to see the Grizzlies....woot woot.... so of course we said we'd be there. We got some of the old gang back together and we had a lot of fun!!! Dallas and Alyssa (his fiance) came, Steve and Astri, and of course Kasey and Chelsi. After the game we went out to Wendy's and just chatted til about midnight. It's so nice to have good friends!!! Love you guys!!!!!!!!


So this idea was originally supposed to be a date for Valentine's day... Hence all the LOVE!!! :) But we just went out to eat and all that good stuff. So we had a little extra time before we went to a family get together on another day so we decided to do it then. :) We just drove around looking for things that looked like the letters L-O-V-E and then we took a couple pictures with us spelling LOVE in sign language and bam... got it. We went to Walgreen's, printed the pictures and then put it together the next day.

And now...... drum roll please.....

Here is what we created from it...

It's just on a cork board that we spray painted black. and those birds are doves, the symbol of love. I think we might change where it says "The Maylin's" but we wanted to hang it and we didn't have a cutter to do the lettering so until then this is how it will stay.
Here it is a little closer up.
We had fun doing it! I'm lucky that I have a husband who will do all this stuff with me! He is such a sweetheart!!! And he looks so good in all these pictures! i L-O-V-E it!