We are using a NEW BLOG for 2012. Check it out at LIVINLIFETHEMAYLINWAY.BLOGSPOT.COM

I am playing catch up with this blog and am just adding random things I missed so that I can print it and have it as a "journal" if you will. So don't mind all the random old posts here, but check out the other for all the new stuff!

Lovin Life!!!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving FOOTBALL!!!

The one thing that I love so much more than the food on Thanksgiving... is the FOOTBALL!!! :) The last couple years Matt and I have played 5 hours of football or more on thanksgiving. We get up really early, 7am, and go play with a group of our Bro-in-laws' (Adam) ward members. We play flag football with them, which is SUPER fun!!! That's why we get up so early :) Then we get together at my family's house, meet up with the fam and the cousins and all and go play for another couple of hours! LOVE IT!!!! 

My team!!!
This is my favorite picture EVER!!! I think you can see why! :)  I am clearly PRO material!

That's right!!! We are pretty much AWESOME!!! :)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009

Mom's Surprise Party


Post  written by: Shannon Booher (Taken from

Mom's surprise party was a success! Everyone pitched in to make it an eventful and memorable night. Special thanks to grandma for hosting and making the amazing dinner. We almost had the whole family together and Ryan, Jacob and Jess were sorely missed. Here's a picture of the birthday girl:

Here's our bright, surprise party smiles:

Here's the spread. We ate high on the hog this night (as usual) with a delicious pork roast, apple sauce, baked potato bar, green salad, corn, rolls, and, of course, the cake and ice cream (grandpa, I need to get a scoop like yours).

Here is the traditional "Happy Birthday" song being sung (video at bottom of post):

Here is the whole gang contemplating together what Bonnie's favorites were. We played a hilarious game of "How well do you know Bonnie" that included 10 packs of Bubblicious bubblegum, and Matt being able to blow a bubble the size of Texas:

And here we are enjoying time together. We presented mom with her letters from the entire family, and sat around and talked and laughed until bedtime:

Happy Birthday, mom; we love you!


Mom's surprise party was a success! Everyone pitched in to make it an eventful and memorable night. Special thanks to grandma for hosting and making the amazing dinner. We almost had the whole family together and Ryan, Jacob and Jess were sorely missed. Here's a picture of the birthday girl:

Here's our bright, surprise party smiles:

Here's the spread. We ate high on the hog this night (as usual) with a delicious pork roast, apple sauce, baked potato bar, green salad, corn, rolls, and, of course, the cake and ice cream (grandpa, I need to get a scoop like yours).

Here is the traditional "Happy Birthday" song being sung:
Here is the whole gang contemplating together what Bonnie's favorites were. We played a hilarious game of "How well do you know Bonnie" that included 10 packs of Bubblicious bubblegum, and Matt being able to blow a bubble the size of Texas:

And here we are enjoying time together. We presented mom with her letters from the entire family, and sat around and talked and laughed until bedtime:

Happy Birthday, mom; we love you!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Thanks to Chelsi & Kasey, there were a bunch of us that got together this Halloween and we all dressed up. It was so fun just to be together. We had some good food and enjoyed good company. And Chels took all these lovely pictures. Matt and I went all out this year ha ha! Matt's Halloween preparation consisted of going to Jake's closet and picking something out! The funny thing about that is that we found about 5 or 6 different costumes just from Jake's clothes. It was pretty funny. So this year Matt was a "Jake" I guess. :)
I thought Tigan and Blake's costume's were amazing!!! She made them herself! Perfect Sweeny Todd couple!
Ninja Warrior Tito! :)
Marjie and Steve :) Lovely
The Aladdin Family, much cutter than the movie!!! And by far, the cutest monkey I've ever seen!

For Halloween this year I actually dressed up twice :) This was when we dressed up at work. I threw a little Halloween party for the residents. They canceled the "trick or treating" this year because of the whole H1N1 thing. Crazy! Oh well, we still had fun! This is me and the OT. We look like we dressed to match :)