We are using a NEW BLOG for 2012. Check it out at LIVINLIFETHEMAYLINWAY.BLOGSPOT.COM

I am playing catch up with this blog and am just adding random things I missed so that I can print it and have it as a "journal" if you will. So don't mind all the random old posts here, but check out the other for all the new stuff!

Lovin Life!!!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Our Most Bestest Favoritist House EVER!

I'm getting much more nervous and sad about moving and selling our home. We spent the last year and a half making this home perfect for us. We painted just about every inch of this place including the cupboards and the ceiling beams. We even painted the 2nd bedroom twice because we didn't like the 1st color that we painted it! :) We've put so much time and effort into it that when you walk in you think.... "this home definitely suits Matt and Shauna!!!"

Well all the contract paperwork is in, the earnest money is paid, the appraisal is tomorrow and the closing date is set for May 31st! I'm not ready to say goodbye to our cute little place!!!
It's not only just the house that I love but we go biking, skating, and scootering all the time on the Ogden Parkway trail. That is definitely a perk to being right here, not to mention I can be snowboarding within 20 minutes of making the decision that I want to go! And Pine View is right up the road! Ahhhh!!!! I love this place! Have I said that yet? :) I'm also really going to miss my family! (if we end up moving out of state)

The scary part of this whole thing is the "IF" part. We don't even know if we're moving or where Matt will end up getting a job or when. But we decided that we should put our house up on KSL cause we knew the likely hood of us leaving was great. Well it was up there for like 3 weeks when we got our offer and nobody has called on it since, so I really don't think we can turn this offer down! If we're leaving, we have to sell it! We can't get stuck paying another mortgage or rent on top of this one.... so it's pretty much a no brainer on what we have to do but I really, really don't want to!!! If we end up staying in Utah and in this area, Matt and I will be very, very upset, which would be the understatement of the year, if that happened! As much as I want to stay in Utah I almost don't once we sell this house because I want to have a reason for selling it, ya know?

Well we took some pics when we put it on KSL so I'll post them now so we'll never forget our 1st home!!!

Bu-bye home!

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