We are using a NEW BLOG for 2012. Check it out at LIVINLIFETHEMAYLINWAY.BLOGSPOT.COM

I am playing catch up with this blog and am just adding random things I missed so that I can print it and have it as a "journal" if you will. So don't mind all the random old posts here, but check out the other for all the new stuff!

Lovin Life!!!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, March 11, 2010


So this idea was originally supposed to be a date for Valentine's day... Hence all the LOVE!!! :) But we just went out to eat and all that good stuff. So we had a little extra time before we went to a family get together on another day so we decided to do it then. :) We just drove around looking for things that looked like the letters L-O-V-E and then we took a couple pictures with us spelling LOVE in sign language and bam... got it. We went to Walgreen's, printed the pictures and then put it together the next day.

And now...... drum roll please.....

Here is what we created from it...

It's just on a cork board that we spray painted black. and those birds are doves, the symbol of love. I think we might change where it says "The Maylin's" but we wanted to hang it and we didn't have a cutter to do the lettering so until then this is how it will stay.
Here it is a little closer up.
We had fun doing it! I'm lucky that I have a husband who will do all this stuff with me! He is such a sweetheart!!! And he looks so good in all these pictures! i L-O-V-E it!


Chelsi said...

So cute I am totally copying it! That is so fun- thank for the idea :)

Chelsi said...

ps I think the wording is cute i have a cutter that does letters if you ever want to come over and cut them out:)