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I am playing catch up with this blog and am just adding random things I missed so that I can print it and have it as a "journal" if you will. So don't mind all the random old posts here, but check out the other for all the new stuff!

Lovin Life!!!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Maternity tickers

Saturday, July 23, 2011


So this morning I woke up and thought to myself, "I can't believe JOSH and my DAD are going to jump out of a perfectly good airplane today." :) (That's my dad's joke, I can't take credit!)  So we knew their landing time and thought we'd be there to catch all the excitement. Well if you know me, you know I like excitement. So we pull up and they hadn't even taken off yet and they still had like 30 minutes before they were going up. So guess what happened next... YUP! I'm standing at the desk asking if there is any way that I can add myself to that list and go with them :) Then I call Jake and Bre who are on their way as well and can you guess what happened next... YUP! They did the same exact thing! :) So what started off as just 2 Booher's headed up to do something crazy ended up being 5 Booher's! And boy what a RUSH!!! 

So we got all ready

Zoey and Alaina discussed the dangers of skydiving and how crazy their moms were! Looks like it was a real heart to heart!  

Here I am, contemplating........well you know what I'm contemplating! 

Hopped on the plane
Jake, Bre, and I (totally calm, HA!) Josh and dad had already gotten in the plane
This is when you really start thinking...."What the heck am I doing?"
Hopped off the plane....literally :) Some of us actually tried aerials and flips off the plane and stuff. To be honest, I don't really remember :) I think the guy I was strapped to just pretty much did his own thing, cause I definitely wasn't going to take the lead on that one!

And Landed, or slid on our butts... either one worked for me! As long as it didn't end with a splat! 

That's right! We conquered that bucket list item! WAHOOO!!! (Never doing that again!) 

The 5 insanely crazy (crazy awesome, that is) BOOHER'S!
The Proof: They gave us all certificates! Now that's pretty legit!

 But seriously I'm glad we did it, and I don't ever foresee myself doing it ever again, although it was pretty cool! (Kinda made us sick) I love that adrenaline rush though, now I've got to find another way to get that same rush! I've got plenty on my bucket list, I'm sure that won't be a problem. Hey, I've never been bunjee jumping... maybe that's next! :)

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