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I am playing catch up with this blog and am just adding random things I missed so that I can print it and have it as a "journal" if you will. So don't mind all the random old posts here, but check out the other for all the new stuff!

Lovin Life!!!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Zoey's Destruction Phase

Zoey loves to make a mess! :) I think they call it exploring! :) She opens all the cupboards and drawers and goes through it all, pulling it all out. She empties everything; including a nice clean set of dishes in the dishwasher. It's not that I just let her do it, I just am busy making a meal, getting ready for the day, doing dishes, cleaning, or just turning around to get a drink or something! She's just so fast! :)

Then she crawls, walks, maneuvers through anything, and loves to see what kind of mess she can make in the process! :) Sometimes she gets a little tangled up or gets her head stuck under my bed or the couch! ha ha! It's not funny to her but It sure makes me laugh!

 Oh man do I love her!!! And I love this stage. I end up cleaning a lot but this is what I wished for! I wanted to be a mommie and enjoy all these little stages! I would never want to skip any of it!

In fact the other day I was getting ready for the day, doing my hair and make up and once again Zoey was "exploring", the bathroom went from spotless to a disaster in 30 seconds, I swear :) This Trace Adkins song came on the radio and I just started to cry! The lyrics go...

You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this
It just made me tear up. I'm such a baby. I just grabbed my little Zo Zo and held her tight and cried for a bit cause I am going to miss this!!!  And I'm gonna miss this much too soon, cause she's growing way too fast!!! It may be an odd thing to wish for but I hope Zoey continues to create this type of destruction for a lot longer! :)

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