We are using a NEW BLOG for 2012. Check it out at LIVINLIFETHEMAYLINWAY.BLOGSPOT.COM

I am playing catch up with this blog and am just adding random things I missed so that I can print it and have it as a "journal" if you will. So don't mind all the random old posts here, but check out the other for all the new stuff!

Lovin Life!!!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Felt super close to family! We've really grown close to the Argyle's and the Olsen's! We hang out with them at least a couple times a month. They're like our "besties" out here! So I am so  glad that we got to spend Thanksgiving with them.
Me, Steph, Kelly
The kids all playin
Look at that! It was AMAZING!

Her 1st Thanksgiving meal :) Oh look, captions! :)

I wasn't going to offer her any. I guess she knew that :)
 The two things in life I'm most grateful for, my amazing husband and my gorgeous perfect daughter!!! I'm so blessed!!!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Lovin on Daddy

I love every second I get to spend with Zoey. I love to see her when I come home for lunch, after work, and then all day on Saturday and Sunday. Here are some pictures of Zoey and me!

Nothing better then holding her in my arms and having her cuddle with me. This is definetly the best part of being a dad.

Bre's Trip Out

Bre has been so good to us, while we've been so far away here in NH. She was able to come out again. Even though she's been so busy with school, she found time to come and spend some time relaxing with us. This trip there was some serious rest and relaxation goin on. I'm talking full on: sleep in as late as possible, take as much time as we want eating breakfast, then lolly gag around and play with our cute lil girls. There were days we stayed in our pj's all day. I was just so ecstatic to have her company and to see her sweet lil girl. That's the best part now, that our lil girls just interact so well and it's so fun to watch them together! See:

Bathing is always so much more fun when you have someone playin in there with you.

This was absolutely hilarious! We put Zoey in the pack-n-play that Alaina was using and she thought it was hilarious! She thought it was the funniest thing in the world to press her face up against the mesh and smash her face! She would do that and then just laugh. But Bre and I were laughing way harder! Check this out!!!

Matching girlies! Playing with the funnest of toys...anything that's not really a toy!
Matt sure loved the company too! You can see it in his face. He has fun playin and teasin them and they just eat it all up! 

We had matching outfits for em, so of course we had em be twins for the day! Aren't they cute? They were a tad grumpy and not in the mood for pictures. Seems to be a common trend with these two.

We didn't take too many pictures this trip, but we did have tons of fun! We also had a good time going out to eat and shopping, as always! :) Like I said, I was just happy to have them here and Bre said she was just happy to have a break from the busy, crazy, hectic life she's leading back at home! :) Sure do love her and her sweet daughter! Can't wait to see them again at Christmas!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Everyday I'm shuffling! :)

You're gonna want to see this! :) 
Especially you Shannon and Ryan! 
It's a response video to the amazingly awesome shuffling video that I saw a couple weeks ago. (And the response by Ryan and Josh.) That video had me laughing so hard, then I couldn't help but dance. The movie kinda inspired me! When the power went out, we had a little bit of time on our hands. We were staying with some friends so we decided to make a response video to THE VIDEO that I LOVE so much!!! So watch and enjoy and then you have to comment and tell me what you think :) Okay, some of the things in here are because of the actual video and then some of the things are from the other video... alright... without further adieu.... here is some AWESOME SHUFFLING!!!

PS. It's clear that I, and most of us, didn't have the time to learn too intensely the art of shuffling, like some people I know, or just don't have that natural talent, (which Shan you totally have natural talent) but we tried our best! We had fun all the same! :)

Locked out in a SNOW STORM!

So it is not every day that something happens to you that you really feel needs to be written down. October 29, 2011 was one of those days. It was 5 o'clock and  we had just finished moving into a house when it started to snow.  Zoey had gone down for a nap and Shauna and I were putting stuff away as fast as we could while she slept. At about 7pm the power started to flicker and then all the power eventually went off. (which turns off all power, water, and heat) I decided to go out and shovel the drive way because there was already 12 inches. 2 1/2 hours later I came inside after finishing. I was soaked from head to toe so I went down to the basement and took all my clothes off and came up stairs in my underwear. Shauna had been talking to some friends that said we could come over and spend the night because they had a generator. We decided we would go but we needed to do something with the food in our fridge so it didn't go bad. We have a 3 season room on the back of our house that is attached to the kitchen. So Shauna, Zoey, and I went out there to see if it was cold enough to put our food out there. We all went out and to preserve the heat that was left in the house we shut the door behind us... and as you guessed it the door was locked. There we were, I am in nothing but my underwear, Shauna is in her pajamas and luckily Zoey had a jacket on. Shauna and I looked at each other and both smiled and thought this was not possible.

Shauna- maybe be the front door is unlocked
matt- I don't think so, but one of us should go check it out.
Shauna- I will since you are in your underwear
matt- I am not letting you go, I will go.
Shauna- There is a foot of snow and you don't have any shoes. Let me do it, we did this in high school for fun.
Matt- Stop I am going

So I open the sliding glass door and make a mad dash across the deck down the stairs around the corner down the driveway and up the stairs to the front door.Open the glass door and check the door...locked! Back down the stairs, across the drive way around the corner and up the stairs, open the door

Matt- it's locked
Shauna- Dang. What are we going to do?
Matt- (after I hit the door with my shoulder a couple times) I don't know! Looks a lot easier in the movies.
Shauna- I know the window above the garage is open because I didn't lock it after i talked to you when you were shoveling.
Matt-it's like 15 feet up in the air. There is no way that would work.

In the 3 season room there is some furniture.

Shauna- We could take the chair and you could stand on it and I could get on your shoulders and try and get the screen off and open the window.
Matt- what are we going to do with Zoey?
Shauna- We will barricade her in and go quick.
Matt- before we put this elaborate plan into play let me go check it out.
Shauna- okay, hurry

So off I go again, nothing but my underwear in the snow that now comes up past my knees. Across the deck, down the stairs, around the corner where I am standing in front of the garage. I look up to where the window is and it is a good 18 feet up from the ground. There is no way this is going to work. At that moment I look across the street and see a light on. I take of in a last attempt to SAVE my family. I run down the drive way across the street and up the neighbors long driveway. Their generator is on and is super loud. I start banging on the door, "help", "help". no answer. I run to across their yard to another door. Knock knock knock. The lights were on and as i look in no one is coming to help me.

After waiting a couple more minutes and screaming for help a couple more times I decided to try the people across the street. So I make a mad dash out of their yard across the street and to the door. Again I knock and no one comes. I look to my left and see the fire station. I take off up the street across the main street into the parking lot. Lights are on. I go to the first door. It's locked. I knock and yell for help. No one comes. I run around to the back. There are cars there but as I bang on windows and doors no one answers. I arrive back at the front of the fire station. I remember seeing a car drive on the main street when I was knocking on the first door. So I stand on the main street waiting for a car to come, Positive when a car drives by me, 27 year old male in nothing but his underwear, will stop and help me. Well, no one ever comes. I start running again down the street towards the house and decide to try one more house, but with the same results. By this time is had been about 20 minutes of me running around the neighborhood. I decided to go back to the 3 season room. When I arrive back Shauna looks at me with despair.

Shauna- Where have you been? I though you were just going to the garage and back? I was worried sick. I came out and looked for you!
Matt-I'm freezing!
Shauna- I barricaded  Zoey in and came after you. I ran down the road and saw your footprints I was screaming your name. I didn't know if you had fallen and were laying there unconscious, but because I didn't see you  I though you had found some one to help and would be right back, with clothes on and some one to help.
Matt- I ran all over. No one answered. I knocked on four houses went to the fire station and no one came. We are going to have to break the window.
Shauna- Here take Zoey.
Matt- What are you going to do
Shauna- Break the window.

Shauna hands me Zoey and grabs a towel and starts wrapping it around her elbow

Matt- What are you doing! You are not going to try and put your elbow through the glass.
Shauna- I can do it. This is how everyone does it!
Matt- In the movies!!! Grab the piece of wood and use that!

Shauna then grabs the piece of wood and begins to try and break the glass. After hitting it a dozen times and doesn't even crack it

Matt- We can't even break the window.
Shauna- I am going to break my hand before I break the glass.
Matt. Take Zoey, I am going to try.

After hitting it a couple times I break it! We get inside and my feet are red and I am shivering like crazy! Shauna runs up stairs and gets all the blankets we have. Runs back down stairs and puts them all on me. We took a while to warm up. By that time it was about 10pm. After getting warm we decided to call our friends and tell them we would just stay home tonight. We figured we did a lot to get in, we might as well stay there.

And that's the story :) And below is the evidence...ha ha
The start of the snow storm Oct 29th
The door and the broken window that we broke :)  We were only moved in about 4 hours before we ruined their perfectly good house!
And this is our new house! Matt took over 5 hours to shovel our super long drive way. 2 hours the night before and 3 hours in the morning. We got 21 inches of snow in a matter of hours! Look at all that snow, in OCTOBER!
Our house was already freezing by morning, so we had to bundle up even for breakfast! The top right is a pic of the footprints from the night before!
We were out of power for 5 days and had to stay at friends houses til we got it back. What a way to welcome us to our new house huh? :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Milford Apartment

Milford Apartment We lived there from July 2011 - Oct 2012.
It was a small little place but we sure went through a lot there! Matt embarked on his journey as a first time administrator. I embarked on my journey of my first time being pregnant! Zoey embarked on her journey of having a body and living a life on earth for the first time! :) And then lots of other "first times" came along with that one, and still coming! :) We've been so blessed in this little place we called home! Although it started to close in on us there towards the end, we really enjoyed our time there. We loved that it was so close to Matt's work and to the downtown oval. (See our first trip to Milford here) Okay... here is our apartment:

Our Bedroom

The Living Room & Dining Room

Zoey's Room

And this is what it looks like empty! :) 
This place was literally a blessing! We moved here, we had a ton of stuff in the back of our car. Matt started work on Monday morning and I drove around looking for apartments. This one was the closest to his work. I walked in the office and said "Do you have any apartments available?" She said "I have one, it's a two bedroom." I looked at it and said "I'll take it!" She said I could have it at noon :) Ha ha! And that's how it went! Thank heavens, cause we really needed a place to live :)