We are using a NEW BLOG for 2012. Check it out at LIVINLIFETHEMAYLINWAY.BLOGSPOT.COM

I am playing catch up with this blog and am just adding random things I missed so that I can print it and have it as a "journal" if you will. So don't mind all the random old posts here, but check out the other for all the new stuff!

Lovin Life!!!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Maternity tickers

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Rolling Over

(From Zoey's blog, the one that Matt and I are keeping for Zoey)  
Yesterday was the first time ever that you rolled over! It was the coolest thing! I had just changed your diaper and ran to wash my hands and when I came back you were just flipping over your left shoulder on to your tummy! A lot of kids go from tummy to back first, but not you! You are unique! You have been since the get go! :)

Then today you rolled over tons! Yesterday you realized you could do it and today, whenever you were on your back, all you wanted to do was practice! We got it on film and everything!  :) Sometimes your arm gets stuck under you so when you try to move you roll back onto your back and then you try again but your arm gets stuck again :) It is so cute! I love watching you grow and develop! I know I am going to say this a million and one times in your lifetime but... I can't believe my little girl is growin up! Ah! You're only 3 months but slow down already! :)

Well as much as I love keeping this record, you are in bed right now and my sleep time is limited :) So I better get... :)

With So Much Love,
PS. I had to grab the camera so here you are right after you flipped over. 
I think it scared you at first :)
Then you realized you just did that all by yourself :) Ha ha

1 comment:

Shannon said...

These are such cute pictures of Zoey girl! Thanks for sharing this sweet excerpt from your blog to her. She is going to love this one day, so much.