December 6th -11th, 2009
1st stop PANAMA.... Panama Canal & Bus Tour around Panama :)
We made our way to the Panama Canal. We took the public bus aka "chicken buses," they are old American school buses that are worn out. They fix them up but they are still beat up. So we caught the bus by our hostel, it cost us 25 cents each to get to a bus station where we caught another bus, which only cost 50 cents each, except we totally missed the stop to the Panama Canal and got a tour of a National Park and a little town called
Galboa. Only then did we realize that we had to have missed our stop. We tried to ask people on the bus but we
couldn't get our point across. Finally a lady getting off told us and the bus driver to wait so she could get her son, who spoke English, to help us. He showed up and told us that the stop that we wanted was way back and that we were going to have to go around again! So we did. Thank goodness it was a
beautiful ride! We finally made it to the Panama Canal and made it just in time to see a huge ship go through! It is pretty cool how it all works. We stayed there for about 2 hours just watching the ships go through.
Chicken Bus |
San Blas Islands
San Blas Islands were amazing. It started with waking up at 4am and meeting up with Adam Gorder, one of Shauna´s friends. We then took a three hour excursion through the Panamanian mountains. The roads were so steep and covered with mud that only 4x4 vehicles can make the trip, we barely made it up several of the hills because they were so steep and muddy, the trip reminded us of the Disneyland ride Idiana Jones only a lot better and longer!!! There was also a river we had to cross and the truck almost got stuck in it and not to mention the water that was seeping in through the doors and the truck that we were in had 10 people in it. 5 in the front and 5 in the bed of the truck.

We were amazed that we made it to our destination. There were times when it was pretty scary but we enjoyed every minute of it. The ride was amazing. The mountains and scenery were absolutely amazing. most of it was jungly (if that´s a word) We have never seen anything like it. After about 3 hours we pulled up to a river where we were greeted by several Kuna Indians. The Kuna´s own the San Blas islands which consist of over 200 islands. So we climbed into a canoe (with a motor on the back) and headed down the river. It was so cool! It was a river in the middle of the jungle and I thought that any second that a crocodile was going to pop out and eat us.
After about 20 minutes of being in the river we made it to the ocean. The guy driving the boat gave us these big pieces of plastic and smiled. we were not sure why we needed the plastic so we just set it aside and rode on. The reason....big waves equal big splashes! luckily we didn´t get too wet.

As we made it out to the further into the ocean we could see a bunch of islands every where. we passed what was the main city island...there were so many houses, well not even houses but huts made of bamboo and palm tree leaves. The island was about the size of a big gas station, parking lot included.
This is a Kuna Family's house, dock, boat, shower and outhouse. Such a different lifestyle!

This is the whole entire "main island" :) It's incredible to see how they live.
After we passed that one the guide pointed to an island a ways off in the distance and told us that we were headed in that one! it was so small! Smaller than the main island. as we got closer we took a bunch of pictures and were in awe that we were going to stay at that island. As we arrived at the island there was blue water surrounding, it was like aqua blue. So clear that you could see the sand at the bottom. The island itself was breath taking.
Our fist glance at our home away from home for 3 days! :) Breathe taking huh? |
There was a total of 4 huts on the beach, also made of bamboo and palm tree leaves as the roof. There was also the home of the Kuna Indians that were living on the island and bathrooms and a little bar area where they made all the food. It was like a small paradise for us.

Our Hut
Where we were supposed to sleep. |
Where we actually slept, except when it rained! |
We decided if we put em all close, we could hang out and chat and feel safe while we slept. Looks cool too! |
We stayed there for 3 days and 2 nights. We got traditional Kuna food served for all three meals which consisted of plantanes, rice or some sort of salad or cabbage, and chicken or fish. Oh for breakfast they made eggs. It was all part of the experience! You gotta do it! Luckily they had ketchup :)
The Beach and the company!
Adam's friends only stayed for the day and left that night, they had to work the next day.
All of us, Adam's friends from his mission, Adam and US |
Matt and Adam out swimming... |
while us girls stayed and hung out on the beach for a bit, before swimming. |
Lk and I, we got along great and had a good time trying to converse with my broken Spanish and her broken English :) |
The Kuna Family that took care of the island.
They sew these intricate pieces and then sell them in panama city |
They said it was okay to take a picture with them, but they didn't want to pose |
The fun times!!!
Adam and I have been good friends for a VERY long time! Since we were 14! It was awesome that he got to come with us, he was a lot of help too since he served his mission in Panama and speaks Spanish :) |
Matt and Adam got along so well! They were good buddies from the moment we got there! |
Climbing Palm Trees |
You can tell that Matt is enjoying this! :) |
A group of kids hangin out on Dog island, where we went snorkeling |
Relaxing, reading, taking a nap...that's what a vacation is right? |
Especially when you have a view like this... it's a true vacation! | |
The beautiful views!
We basically relaxed all day at the beautiful beach, played in the water, read, and just enjoyed life. We also got to go snorkeling at a different island called dog island. There was a shipwreck there and tons of beautiful fish, one of which stung both of us:) This was a great way to start our trip and we will always remember our little piece of paradise the San Blas Islands!!!

This is a story I just have to tell. So because of how difficult the drive was, the person who brought us out to the Islands and was supposed to pick us up, was unable to because after the trip his car broke down. So his brother said that he would do him a favor and pick us up along with the other people he was supposed to pick up that day. We were the first to get picked up in his 7 seater car. He said that he had a couple more people to pick up and we thought nothing of it as we drove to get them. As soon as we pulled up we saw about 25 people waiting for our 1 vehicle. People started crowding around the car as fast as they could to assure that they would be one of the lucky ones to actually get a ride into Panama City. As soon as the driver gave the word, people started piling in! We had over 14 people in our car. By the time we got to Panama City the car couldn't even drive straight and it kept shaking. I don't think anything was holding that car together. I’m pretty sure that car was done when that trip was over,but at least all 14 of us made it!
Our Vehicle |
25 people waiting to get in this 1 car! |
Only about 11 got lucky enough to get in! Can you believe it. Matt and I sat in front and Adam is in the back with all of them. :) 14 people! For a trip longer than 3 hours! I knew you'd have to see it to believe it! |
So Panama was awesome and a perfect way to start off our trip up Central stop... Costa Rica! :)
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